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We are a domestic manufacturer of cobalt-chromium alloys for dental casting.
Our main product is cobalt-chromium alloys for dentures. We also manufacture and sell gold alloys, silver alloys, and two types of pure titanium.

ISO 13485 Certification
As a specialised manufacturer of dental casting metals, we have been in business since 1966.
We will continue to strongly support the dental technology industry in the future.

Purchase Cobalt and Nickel Alloy Scraps

We purchase used cobalt alloy scraps (scraps from other companies’ products are also acceptable), such as buttons after casting. Please feel free to contact us.
NIHON SHIKA KINZOKU Co.,Ltd. TEL 0725-51-7786
*Unfortunately, we are currently unable to purchase nickel-chromium alloys.

【Recyclable Metal Scraps (1kg or more)】

– Cobalt-chromium alloy Scraps
*We do not collect precious metal scraps.

【Non-serviceable Areas】

Hokkaido, Okinawa, Remote Islands

【Collection Method and Purchase Criteria】

Our representative will visit directly to weigh the scraps in your presence and proceed with the purchase. Please contact us for inquiries about prices and other conditions, as they may vary.


NEWS list


Cobalt-Chromium alloy(metal frameworks, clasps, and bars)

[ Dental casting cobalt chromium alloy : JIS T 6115 ] We manufacture cobalt-chromium alloys in dentistry for metal frameworks, bars, and clasps. Our extensive lineup includes cobalt-chromium alloys for dental casting with various characteristics such as softness, hardness, flexibility, and toughness. Please take advantage of our high-quality cobalt-chromium alloys made from high-purity raw materials. Dan Cobalt Chukou-shitsu 管理医療機器 21900BZX00575000 Dan Cobalt Kou-shitsu...

Cobalt-Chromium alloy(metal frameworks, clasps, and bars)

Cobalt-Chromium alloy(PFM)

[ Metal – ceramic dental restorative systems – Metals : JIS T 6121 ] It is compatible with various ceramic materials and is an excellent cobalt-chromium alloy for dental ceramic firing. Dan Cobalt Bond 管理医療機器 221AKBZX00154000 使用陶材:ノリタケスーパーポーセレンAAA ㈱ノリタケデンタルサプライ社 Category Product Name Type Price※ For porcelain Dan Cobalt Bond Ingot 5g インゴット 1kg:99,000円 500g:50,500円 100g:10,600円 ※全て改訂価格 2022年3月29日より Specification Product Name Induction Casting Specification Oxygen + Propane...

Cobalt-Chromium alloy(PFM)

Silver alloy

【歯科鋳造用銀合金 JIS T 6108】 歯科鋳造用銀合金(第1種、第2種)を製造しています。 Dan Silver I [第一種] 管理医療機器 221AKBZX0009000特定歯科材料保険適用確認マーク表示品 Composition Product Name Physical Properties Composition(%) Hard ness (HV) Melting Point (C) Tensile Strength (MPa) Elong ation (%) Ag In Zn Sn others Dan Silver I 130 690 – – 75.0 – 10.0 15.0 0.0 Dan Silver II [第二種] 管理医療機器 221AKBZX00100000特定歯科材料保険適用確認マーク表示品 Composition Product Name Physical Properties Composition(%) Hard ness (HV) Melting Point (C) Tensile Strength...

Silver alloy

Product Introduction