Product Introduction

Product Introduction

The Dan Cobalt series is an alloy product crafted using "high-purity raw materials.

We utilise gold (Au) and silver (Ag) for precious alloys and high-purity raw materials for cobalt (Co) used in non-precious alloys.

"High-purity raw materials" inevitably incur higher costs so that we strive for cost reduction through domestic production and our in-house manufacturing processes.

The strengths of our alloy products are the quality and excellent castability achieved through "high-purity raw materials", which we believe are the reasons behind the widespread support we receive.

Gold (Au): Purity of 99.99% or higher
Silver (Ag): Purity of 99.99% or higher
Cobalt (Co): Purity of 99.9% or higher
and so on.

Cobalt-Chromium alloy(metal frameworks, clasps, and bars)

[ Dental casting cobalt chromium alloy : JIS T 6115 ] We manufacture cobalt-chromium alloys in dentistry for metal frameworks, bars, and clasps. Our extensive lineup includes cobalt-chromium alloys for dental casting with various characteristics such as softness, hardness, flexibility, and toughness. Please take advantage of our high-quality cobalt-chromium alloys made from high-purity raw materials. Dan Cobalt Chukou-shitsu 管理医療機器 21900BZX00575000 Dan Cobalt Kou-shitsu...

Cobalt-Chromium alloy(metal frameworks, clasps, and bars)

Cobalt-Chromium alloy(PFM)

[ Metal – ceramic dental restorative systems – Metals : JIS T 6121 ] It is compatible with various ceramic materials and is an excellent cobalt-chromium alloy for dental ceramic firing. Dan Cobalt Bond 管理医療機器 221AKBZX00154000 使用陶材:ノリタケスーパーポーセレンAAA ㈱ノリタケデンタルサプライ社 Category Product Name Type Price※ For porcelain Dan Cobalt Bond Ingot 5g インゴット 1kg:99,000円 500g:50,500円 100g:10,600円 ※全て改訂価格 2022年3月29日より Specification Product Name Induction Casting Specification Oxygen + Propane...

Cobalt-Chromium alloy(PFM)

Silver alloy

【歯科鋳造用銀合金 JIS T 6108】 歯科鋳造用銀合金(第1種、第2種)を製造しています。 Dan Silver I [第一種] 管理医療機器 221AKBZX0009000特定歯科材料保険適用確認マーク表示品 Composition Product Name Physical Properties Composition(%) Hard ness (HV) Melting Point (C) Tensile Strength (MPa) Elong ation (%) Ag In Zn Sn others Dan Silver I 130 690 – – 75.0 – 10.0 15.0 0.0 Dan Silver II [第二種] 管理医療機器 221AKBZX00100000特定歯科材料保険適用確認マーク表示品 Composition Product Name Physical Properties Composition(%) Hard ness (HV) Melting Point (C) Tensile Strength...

Silver alloy

Dental casting Titanium alloy

ダンチタニウム 管理医療機器 302AKBZX00093A01 一般的名称 歯科鋳造用チタン合金 チタン及びチタン合金-棒 JIS H 4650 【 JIS2種 純チタン (大臼歯全部鋳造冠 保険適用製品) 】 Category Product Name Type Price 呼称 径(㎜) 高さ(㎜) 歯冠修復 ダンチタニウム 14g φ20 9.9 1kg 入 47,000 円 14g φ25 6.4 20g φ20 14.1 20g φ25 9.1 30g φ20 21.2 30g φ30 9.3 40g φ20 28.2 40g φ30 13.0 50g φ30 15.0 ▲When placing an order, please specify the “name”...

Dental casting Titanium alloy

Precious alloy

【歯科メタルセラミック修復用貴金属材料 JIS T 6118】 歯科陶材焼付用プレシャス金合金、セミプレシャス金合金を製造しています。 Dan GOLD type I 管理医療機器 21900BZX00593000 (※こちらの製品は販売中止となります。 2022.5.2) Dan Bright type I 管理医療機器 21900BZX00594000 Dan Bright type II 管理医療機器 21900BZX00595000 Category Product Name Type Price 陶材焼付用 Dan GOLD type I Ingot 1g 時価 Dan Bright type I Ingot 1g 時価 Dan Bright type II/td> Ingot 1g 時価 Composition Product Name Physical Properties Composition(%) Melting Point (C) Before Pouring (HV) After Pouring (HV)...

Precious alloy

Dental casting alloy

We manufacture two types of dental casting nickel-chromium alloys: crowns and ceramic firing. Dan Chrome Soft III 管理医療機器 20100BZZ00770000 Dan Ceramalloy 管理医療機器 20100BZZ01431000 Category Product Name Type Price Crown /Bridge Dan Chrome Soft III Shot Shot 1kg 28,600円 500g 15,500円 Porcelain Alloy Dan Ceramalloy 5g片 Ingot 100g 10,000円 Specification Product Name Induction Casting Specification Oxygen + Propane gas High Frequency Dan Chrome Soft III Cast...

Dental casting alloy
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